By the time ‘landlord’ Tim rang for “last orders” last Friday we had seen more than 80 people ‘stroll in’ for a thoroughly enjoyable, convivial evening. That so many villagers decided to venture out on a very wintry night for our first Stour Row pup-up pub was exactly the result the organisers sought. Thank you very much to all those who came along to support this new village venture.
It was very much a team effort to turn the inside of the village hall into a village pub for the night and we’d like to thank all those who helped with that transformation and who stayed on after ‘last orders’ to turn the pop-up pub back into a village hall.
Without a doubt there is a strong desire to do this again and the next appearance of The Stroll Inn will be on Friday 29 March – a date that will be much in evidence over the next few weeks!
Please do mark the 29th March in your diaries for the return of the Stour Row Pop-up Pub.
The Pop-Up Pub Organising Committee
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