We will be holding a village street party lunch to celebrate the Coronation, on Sunday 7th May from 1pm.  This will coincide with the national ‘Coronation Big Lunch’

We pan to make this a ‘bring and share’ lunch along the lines of the successful afternoon tea we held for last year’s Platinum Jubilee.  

Please make a note of the date in your diary!

For this event we aim to close the road outside the village hall between mid-day and 6pm subject to approval by the council.  That should give us more space to have an enjoyable event.  The closure will not block access to anyone’s property but will mean traffic through the village will not be possible during that time, and such traffic will have to divert via the A30 or Green Lane.  We are following the council guidance to arrange the closure, including informing the emergency services.

Please let us know if you plan to attend via the following link:

We hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us for this village event. 

The Village Hall Committee