Stour Row Village Hall has been shut in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, this note is to let you know about our plans to  re-open the Hall.

We have managed to obtain a small grant from the government and we are taking advantage of the shut-down to make some much-needed repairs to the Hall. The most major of these is the replacement of the floor in the main Hall area (a recent inspection showed that the joists that support the floor all needed replacing). This work (together with other smaller jobs) is currently underway. At the same time, we have put together procedures that we believe will allow the Hall to be re-opened safely in due course.

Our booking secretary, Sarah Marks, will contact regular users of the Hall to provide details of the new procedures closer to the re-opening date.

The Covid-19 situation is continuously changing, and our initial estimate for re-opening in the autumn has proven unfeasible. Our current estimate is summer 2021, however this will be subject to review as events unfold.


The swings in the Village Hall garden are now open. Please ensure that children are supervised by a responsible adult and that they use these swings safely. Parents should bring hand-sanitiser gel or wipes to clean their children’s hands before and after using the swings. The hand holds and the seats of the swings should be cleaned with santiser wipes before and after use.  When using the swings please ensure that appropriate social distancing is maintained.