DORSET COUNCIL has issued a Notice under Section 14 [2] of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 as amended. All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along FIFEHEAD HILL, FIFEHEAD MAGDALEN in the vicinity of Mandy Cottage, for a distance of approximately 30 metres. The Notice is needed to comply with health and safety regulations which require the provision of safe working areas and to minimise likelihood of danger to highway users. It will come into operation on 1st May 2019 and will remain in force for five days. It is anticipated that the works will take place on Wednesday 01 May 2019, between 09.30hrs and 15.30hrs..This Notice will enable Wessex Water safe access to complete a permanent reinstatement to previous works in the highway.
Alternative routes will be sign posted, as indicated by the blue line on the map below.
If you would like further information about the work being undertaken, and access arrangements please call Wessex Water on 0345 600 4 600. For information concerning this notice, please call Dorset Highways Traffic Team on 01305
2 1020. Find this information online: April 2019
JOHN SELLGREN, Executive Director of Place, Dorset Council, South Walks House, Dorchester DT1 1UZ. Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of the Notice will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding £1000.